Nestled in Sydney’s Bellevue Hill, this young family home is driven by the historic character of its established suburb. The architecture, inconspicuous from the street, embraces a delicate sensibility, while the home’s interior design and decoration is an exercise in classicism, executed with attitude.
Once clouded by a series of incremental renovations, the 1940s home is significantly replanned to lend spatial clarity and openness, establishing clear zones for entertaining and retreating. A central light well filters warming light over a dramatic circular stair, binding together the home’s two levels. Dark olive, greys, walnut and latte-toned timbers lend a grounding feel – a nod to the site’s natural surroundings and the client’s Northern European roots.
Alexandra Donohoe Church
Kirstin Tarnawski
Sarah Wilson
Christine Rose
Jeremy Church
Interior Design
Custom Joinery Design
Custom Furniture Design
Decoration + Styling